
Every company wants to show appreciation to their employees and celebrate the accomplishments of the year. A great way to do this is with an annual holiday party. Planning a company holiday party can be a lot of work, but with the right ideas, it can be an event that everyone looks forward to. Here are some ideas to help you plan the perfect annual company holiday party.

Company Holiday Party

What You Need to Have

There are a few elements of every event that cannot be overlooked.

Decor and Theme

While not every party has to have a theme, around the holidays, it’s nice to pick one that allows for decorations and activities that go along with it. This will give your guests something to talk about and be excited for. A few ideas for themes include holiday movie night, winter wonderland, ugly sweater party, or a masquerade ball.

Whenever choosing decor, it’s important that the theme and decor are inclusive and do not exclude any of your guests.


Lighting can really change the atmosphere of the room. You can choose soft, subtle lighting that creates a cozy feel, or you can go all out with colorful lights and a dance floor.

Music Plan and Playlist

The music is one of the most important parts of any event. Create a playlist that matches the theme and mood you want to set. You can also hire a DJ or band to perform to give the event an extra special touch. No matter which direction you go in, you want to be freed up to enjoy the party, so the music mustn’t require active management.

The Perfect Venue

Even if you’re hosting the event in your office, it’s important that the venue makes the holiday party feel special. There are many options to choose from, such as a hotel, restaurant, or even an event space. Consider the size of the venue to make sure it’s large enough to accommodate your guests.

Food and Drinks

No party is complete without food and drinks. You can do a full sit-down dinner, buffet style, or appetizer platters. If you’re hosting a cash bar, make sure you have enough staff to serve the drinks. Of course, with the perfect venue, they will take care of all the food and service so you don’t need to worry about handling any of that.

Working With Luxury

For those looking to impress without going over the top, a luxurious event is the way to go. This could be anything from a formal dinner to a cocktail party. You can choose a venue that has elegant decor and features like a dance floor and bar. You can also hire a professional catering team to provide the food and beverages.

Adding Meaning to an Event

The company party is not only about having fun – it should also be about recognizing employees for their hard work and dedication. You can do this by having a company awards ceremony or by recognizing individuals for their achievements throughout the year. You can also set up a donation box to give money to a charity of your choice. This will show your employees that their work is valued and appreciated.

Simple, Personal Events

Some companies are extremely close-knit, and everyone is comfortable with each other. A modest, low-key event is the perfect way to celebrate. This could be anything from a potluck dinner to a low-key game night or a company picnic. You can choose an intimate venue, like someone’s home or a local park, and provide simple decorations and snacks.

Creating the Perfect Atmosphere

Have you ever been to an event and it transported you away from whatever was going on outside of it? That’s what a creative “experience-the-moment” event can do. This could be anything from a scavenger hunt to a murder mystery dinner. You can choose a venue that allows you to set up the experience and hire actors or a team to help create the perfect atmosphere.

“Wow” Events

For companies that are looking to make a statement and wow their guests, a lavish event always works. This could be anything from a black-tie gala to a masquerade ball. You can rent out a venue and have a live band or DJ for entertainment. You can also go all out with decorations and catering to really impress your guests.

Celebrate Your Company Holiday Party at Boondocks Food & Fun

When it comes to planning your company’s annual holiday party, Boondocks Food & Fun is the perfect place to celebrate. We offer a wide range of activities and amenities that are sure to wow your guests. Our state-of-the-art go-karts, bumper cars, and bowling are sure to make your event one to remember. Plus, our full-service catering and event planning team can make sure your event is stress-free and perfect. Contact us today to start planning your company holiday party!